Friday, August 17, 2012

We Are The Light Of The World... So Let It Shine!!!

In Sacred Scripture we are told that, We are the Light of the world and that we should let our Light shine before men, in such a way, so that they might see the good that we do and glorify God in Heaven! (Matthew 5:14-16).

How encouraging is that... to know that, "we are the Light of the world" and that we MUST let our Light, (ultimately, God's Light within us shine), in such a way, that in so doing... others might see the good that we do and give glory to God in Heaven! Praise God for this Good News... and may we be encouraged by it... and may it inspire us to go out into the world, ever more... and let God's Light within us shine for all to see, doing good works for the Glory of God's Holy Name!

Just a word about, "humility," that I feel I must share here... (and not just for everyone else, but for myself as well!).  I believe sometimes that Christians can have the wrong idea about humility, thinking that because God calls us to be humble and even clothe ourselves in humility that we are to somehow deny or hide our God given gifts and talents... (one of the greatest gifts that God has given us is His radiant Light, the Glorious Light of Christ shining within us...), of which He gives us not just to give true Light to our own eye, that we might truly see... but to the eyes of all the world so that they might see truly, the good that we do... and give glory to God!

Another gift that we may feel the need to hide at times, (in thinking that we are being, "humble," in so doing is the gift of Love God has given us...), and we are told that of the three gifts that God gives us... "Faith, Hope, and Love... the greatest of these is Love!" This is true.. and the power of Love can do amazing things in our lives and in the lives of others, yet, if we hide it... how will we ever accomplish great things for God that may give Him glory?  After all, we are born for greatness... and so we need to share the gift of God's Love and shine His Light for all to see to become the great people and accomplish the great things we are created to!

There are other gifts that we tend to hide in thinking that we are being, "humble," such as our talents, (whatever they may be... because we all have them, whether we may realize it or not... and they are different and unique for each and every person whom God has created with such Love!).

It is my special prayer today, that all of God's children will realize how very special and precious they are to our God of Love... our Creator... and that they will humbly recognize all the special and unique, God-given gifts and talents God has given them... and will share them with others and with the world... for in so doing... they will truly be letting their Light shine, God's glorious Light within them, doing th egood works God calls us to do... and others will take notice and give glory to God!

Peace and Love of God be with you my friends! 

                                                   God's Blessings are upon us!!!

Let it shin, let it shine... let it shine!!!  :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Finding Grace and Beauty in The Cross

Although, I have shared this in a couple of other previous blogs, still there are people who have not yet heard the news of what happened with me and my daughters following the birth of my second daughter, Grace. And since I have been thanking people for their prayers for us and asking for continued prayers... I'd like to share again, what has happened and where we are with it all today.

It's a long story, though, to make it shorter... what happened is that because I have a chemical imbalance that I have to take medication for and is very manageable and livable...  I ended up having post partun depression, which I am pre-disposed to having after the birth because of my chemical imbalance.

75% of women after giving birth, experience what is called, "the baby blues," and periods of sadness, tiredness, inadequacy and so on.  This is considered to be quite, "normal," however, if it persists for it can become post partum depression, or could have already been post partum depression, without the mother ever even knowing it.

Many women end up having postpartum depression after the birth of a baby, and despite what they might feel at the time, (like they will never overcome it and get better), they do and even up recovering completely from it and going on to live happy, healthy, blessed lives with their children, especially with God's Love, Grace and continuous Guidance... becoming the wonderful mothers they hoped they would be!

I experienced postpartum depression after the birth of both of my daughters, which manifested itself in the form of me becoming very exhausted from lack of sleep, staying up till all hours of the night with Baby Grace, who we found out later had gastrual reflux and cried and cried in pain and was much of the time inconsolable. This, because of my postpartum depression, made me feel very inadequate as a mother, feeling like I wasn't doing a very good job at consoling my daughter, and led me in a downward spiral of helplessness.

Some of the contributors to PPD are an unstable relationship, lack of support from a spouse, a difficult pregnancy, concern about the baby's health before and after birth, and exhaustion, as well as already being pre-disposed to having it because of a chemical imbalance, and also you are most likely to get it if you have already had it with a precious pregnancy. These are just a few of the contributors to PPD and it is no wonder that I experienced it because I had them all.

Aside from me becoming physically exhausted, (even having 2 complete days of vertigo that was so bad where I could barely walk and was very scary), my PPD also manifested itself in the form of anxiety which is also another common contributor, and unique to my experience with it, I became after the birth of both of my daughters, very over-protective of them, feeling like they were in danger and I had to protect them.

I had to be hospitalized both times to get the chemicals in my body balanced out, and while I was in the hospital after giving birth to my daughter, Grace, trying to heal from all the trauma I was dealing with before and after her birth, someone called the DCFS, (Department of Children and Family Services), and made a false allegation about me saying that I was abusing my children. Thus, they opened an investigation, and ended up placing my two daughters in foster care with complete strangers, with them being in two  separate homes.

It's been quite devastating on the whole family, though, most especially on me and my daughters. We have been praying that they will return home soon and asking others to join us in prayer... and hopefully, God willing they will return home this Monday. And then the Healing begins... especially for my precious daughters, for me and for our entire family... (for we have all been effected by this in varying degrees). God's Love is great and so is His Grace and it has been getting us all through this horrible experience to a brighter, healthier, happier "future full of Hope," that He has promised us!

I don't know exactly why this had to happen, why God allowed me to get sick with PPD or why He has even allowed me to have a chemical imbalance that pre-disoed me to having it in the first place.  All I know is, it's a part of my cross and in the cross is found great Grace, Beauty, Love, Joy and Hope if we but seek to find it there.

Perhaps, God has allowed all of this to happen in my life because He knows that with His continued Love and Grace and Hope I will continue to get through and overcome this trial as I have so many others in the past... and perhaps, this time... it's finally time to stop feeling ashamed of the cross He's given me and keeping it locked up inside of me as a secret only few have known about... but to lift it high and truly allow the radiant Light of His Glory to come shining through and from within me.

For, "It is no longer I, but Christ Who lives within me," Galatians 2:20 and how He longs and Loves to show His Glory through through those who live for Him and have suffered as they have lived their lives through, with, and in Him! Maybe, in so doing, I just might even be able to inspire others to do the same... to lift high the cross God has given them, (no matter what it might be), and allow God's radiant Light to shine through it and from within them... for their is great Beauty to behold in the Cross!

God's Grace has been carrying me and my daughters through this and will lead us back to each other very soon, so we can continue the beautiful new lives God intends for us to live. I just continue to pray that throughout all of this God Will be glorified and with thriumpth as He always does and that others will come to believe in Him and have even stronger Faith then before because of it!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers.  Many Blessings of God's Love, Grace and Goodness be with you and your family for your kindness! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Let Us Be Like Sonflowers!

Let us be like beautiful sunflowers... for we belong to the Son! ♥ :)
Let us be like beautiful sunflowers... forever growing upwards... with our faces always reaching towards and facing the sun... The Son of God, that is... who saves us, Loves us, nutures us, heals us and gives us new Life eternal, and ALL we ever need in Him! May God's glorious face ever shine upon us as we grow closer and closer to Him! :) ♥
                                                          So Keep on looking up!!!