Monday, January 2, 2012

Blessed Are Those Who Trust In The Lord

It's early in the morning on the second day of the New Year 2012... and I can't sleep! And so, I feel inspired to write a new blog, which always brings me closer to God. I am very thankful for all the Blessings that God has given me, most especially, my two beautiful daughters, Audrey, who is now 21 months old and my other, sweet, precious daughter, still growing in my womb, whom I am now 23 weeks pregnant with. My Love for them in unending and grows even stronger and brighter every day!

I am also very thankful for my relationship with God. He is my rock and my salvation, (and so is Jesus), and I just don't know where I would be without Him. It is my greatest desire to please Him and continue to build and cultivate a beautiful life that glorifies and pleases Him. He has given me this beautiful Gift of life that I treasure so, and I don't want to waste it, not a single moment of it... but continue walking with Him by my side and in my heart and striving to be and continuing to become the most faithful and Loving daughter of His I can be and inspire others to do the same, (most especially my daughters).

I have been given a beautiful vocation of being a mother, and I continue to place all my TRUST in God, as I continue to learn from Him each new day, how to be the very best mother I can be to His most precious, little ones, my sweet daughters, Who He has graciously entrusted into my care. I trust in Him also, to continue to guide me along my path in this life He's given me as I continue to come closer and closer to realizing and living the very special dreams He's placed deep within my heart!

I pray that all people will place all their trust in God and allow Him to guide their lives with His Heavenly Wisdom, Love and Care! He Loves us so much, with an everlasting Love and His Way is the Best Way and will truly lead us to the most fulfilling, satisfying and beautiful lives He's created us to live... and ultimately to everlasting Life!

I wish you all a very Happy, Blessed, Bright, Healthy, Hope, Love and Peace-filled New year 2012! I truly believe it's going to be a really amazing year... especially for those who continue to place all their Trust in God, Whose plans for our lives are HOPE! :)

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